The television channels TNT, TNT4 , Match TV, Friday! TV-3, Super and NTV have become finalists at the PromaxBDA Promotion, Marketing and Design Global Excellence Awards 2019, a prestigious contest in the field of television marketing and design. The contest’s shortlist includes 36 marketing and advertising cases. The winners will be announced on June 6 at the PromaxBDA conference in Los Angeles.
TNT leads Russian TV channels in the number of works included on the shortlist. The final of the contest features 19 TNT works in 24 nominations: “On-air and off-air promo”, “Best radio spot”, “Brand integration” and others. Special attention should be given to the nomination “Art direction and design: Image of a multimedia channel”. Leading world experts have recognized the universality of the TNT logo, particularly the possibility to adapt it to different events and tasks by blending in new elements.
Some nominations featured several TNT works at once. For example, industry representatives took note of the world’s first “Horse-sharing” service, which was launched at the same time as the start of the TV series Konnaya Politsiya (Mounted Police), and the practical packaging for packages that was created for the protagonist of the TV series Olga. Both creations were represented in the nomination “Best landing”.
The nomination “Technical innovations: Digital platforms” includes creations associated with the reality show Tantsy (Dances) - the show’s marketing campaign (a series of GIF-images that celebrate the start of the new season) and the possibility to have a virtual dance-off. TNT is the first TV channel in Russia to use the unique Shazam Visual Recognition format in outdoor advertising, which makes the ads interactive. Two TNT works are also featured in the “Multimedia promo of a comedy project” - the promo to the TV series Domashny Arest (Home Arrest) and Konnaya Politsiya.
Three promo clips from TNT4 are also among the PromaxBDA contenders. The channel is vying for 10 awards across eight nominations, including for the clips “Odinakovo Moshnoe Kino” (Equally Powerful Film), “Zapreshennyi Priyom” (Forbidden Tactic) and “Gravitatsiya” (Gravity). These clips were recently also represented in the final of another prestigious award, the Golden Trailer Awards, which celebrates the year’s best video achievements in film marketing. TNT4 projects were represented in the same nominations as the works of media giants Netflix, Warner Bros, Marvel Studios and HBO.
Four works by Match TV are vying for gold in six nominations. The channel presented the following promo videos at the contest: “Barbershop” for the KHL playoffs, “Shlemy” (Helmets) for the 2018 Russian Grand Prix of Formula 1, and “S Novym Boitsovskim Godom!” (Happy New Fighting Year!) for the VTB United League all-stars match.
Friday! TV channel is represented in the final with three marketing works in three nominations. The nomination “Best integration using social networks” features a promo campaign timed to the launch of the popular TV series Riverdale. The promo is voiced over by famous bloggers. The other finalists from the channel include the promos to the mini-series Houdini and the travel show Oryol i Reshka (Heads or Tails).
The marketing works of Super TV channel are represented in three nominations in the final. The shortlist features the special project “Popadi v serial Grand: Novye 3D vozmozhnosti (Get into the series Grand: New 3D opportunities), which aimed to spark interest in the Grand TV series through social networks, as well as the case “Serialomania: Kak privlech zritelei s pomoshyu stikerov” (Serialmania: How to attract viewers using stickers). The promo video “Esli by Sumerki byli snyaty v Rossii (If Twilight was filmed in Russia) also made it onto the shortlist in the nomination “Best promo video for promoting a syndicated program”.
Three TV-3 works are on the list in three nominations. The website of the film series Obychnaya Zhenshina (An Ordinary Woman) is vying for victory in the nomination “Best website”. The channel’s image clip is a contender for “Best brand image”, while the presentation of the channel’s new season is represented in the “Best design for an event” nomination.
The design of NTV’s inter-program ID-clips also made it onto the list of finalists in the nomination “Art-direction and design: Image”.