On January 21, 2023, Gazprom-Media Holding JSC celebrated its 25th anniversary.
Established in 1998 to manage several media assets of the Gazprom Group, in over a quarter of a century, the holding has consolidated dozens of firms in all segments of this market: TV, radio, content production and distribution, print media, digital platforms, advertising sales and advertising technology.
In all this time, Gazprom-Media Holding has been a step ahead of the audience’s expectations, anticipating and shaping its future demand. The company reached the crucial milestone with the following results:
— young TV audience leader with a share of 25.5% (Mediascope, Russia 100+, all 14–44, January–December 2022);
— leader in entertainment content production: 10 of the 10 highest rated comedy series of the year were released on TNT (Mediascope, Russia 100+, all 14–44, January–December 2022);
— leader in sports content production: 2,500 hours of live broadcasts per year on Match TV;
— leader in film distribution: the share of Central Partnership in the context of all films released is 20%, and in terms of box-office receipts from Russian films is 33%;
– radio broadcasting leader in Moscow: GPM Radio ranked first in terms of coverage and audience share in Moscow 10 years in a row (Mediascope Radio Index, Moscow, 12+).
According to results of 2022, the NTV channel climbed to second place for all key audiences across the country. Mask—an NTV entertainment project—remains the best musical show on Russian TV in the past 10 years.
In 2022, Gazprom-Media Holding focused on new business lines, establishing YARKO animation company and achieving impressive results in the digital environment. The monthly audience of the portrait orientation short video app named YAPPY, launched 14 months ago, exceeded 10 million unique users in December. At the end of 2022, the audience of the RUTUBE national video hosting service, which underwent a relaunch and large-scale transformation, reached 46 million unique users.
Aleksandr Zharov, CEO of Gazprom-Media Holding:
“Staying in demand and developing ahead of time is no easy task for any media company. Gazprom-Media has been successfully managing this for 25 years. With a lot to be proud of, we firmly occupy a leading position in the domestic media industry. The well-coordinated work of a team of professionals and like-minded, talented and dedicated people lies at the core of our success. The principle of building the holding company was based on the understanding that every product must not only be of high quality, but also occupy its own niche. That’s why all our projects are in demand and meet the needs of almost any audience. We are constantly moving forward, exploring new media platforms, entering promising markets, expanding our product line and offering new formats. Gazprom-Media is a creator of the best, popular and high-quality content.”
The team of Gazprom-Media Holding JSC was also congratulated by:
Alexey Miller, Chairman of the Gazprom PJSC Management Committee:
“Dear colleagues, Dear friends,
I congratulate you on the 25th anniversary of Gazprom-Media Holding. The test of time withstood by the company over a quarter of a century has demonstrated that you set the right goals.
Today, Gazprom-Media Holding is the largest and leading Russian media company for a young audience. You are constantly developing, creating new media platforms, products and formats, entering promising markets, and investing in the development of talents in our country.
Frequently, it is you who shapes the modern media space. For example, for young people, to whom Gazprom-Media Holding provides a wide range of opportunities to obtain the information necessary for self-education “here and now”. Or for sports fans, for whom a whole series of channels, including the all-Russian channel, has been created.
The work on preserving knowledge about the national culture and traditions and the great history of Russia deserves special respect. The inseparability of culture and history is fundamental for the correct perception of everything that happens, including today. By strengthening this relationship, the company makes a significant contribution to the sustainable development of society.
I am sure that the highly professional and highly creative team of Gazprom-Media Holding will continue to reach new heights and delight the audience of many millions with unique projects.
Happy birthday! Happy anniversary!”
Mikhail Mishustin, Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation:
“Dear Mr. Zharov, Dear friends,
I heartily congratulate you and millions of viewers on the 25th anniversary of Gazprom-Media Holding.
For a quarter of a century, you have clearly understood the preferences of people for whom the holding’s programs have become a source of up-to-date, educational content available in all media segments. You are doing your work as professionally as possible, always going the extra mile, experimenting, finding new formats, genres, and non-standard approaches to accomplishing complex tasks. And this is the key to your constant popularity.
Today, Gazprom-Media Holding is celebrating its anniversary with great achievements, and is one a leader in information, entertainment and sports broadcasting. You make it possible for dozens of thematic satellite and digital TV channels, popular radio stations to go on air and for print media to be published. The company brings wonderful film projects to life, and creates high-quality programs and shows that touch on the most varied of topics. It is important that you’re actively developing digital resources and services, including those related to advertising technology. The main thing is that all these years you have been getting along with different generations, promoting a healthy lifestyle, doing everything to expand the audience, and win its interest.
On this wonderful day, I would like to wish you all good luck, professional success and new achievements.”
Olga Lyubimova, Minister of Culture of the Russian Federation:
“Dear friends, I’m happy to congratulate you on the 25th anniversary of the establishment of Gazprom-Media Holding.
Today, the largest media holding company in our country is strategically important for the digital industry. You are making a significant contribution to the development of television, radio and film production. Your team is a community of enthusiasts, professionals and dedicated people. You meet the challenges of the time with dignity, offering modern and popular solutions.
I wish you good luck in achieving your goals and new promising projects!”
Dmitry Peskov, Deputy Chief of Staff of the Russian Presidential Executive Office, Press Secretary of the President of the Russian Federation:
“Dear Mr. Zharov, I sincerely congratulate you and the entire team of Gazprom-Media on the anniversary. Over the past 25 years, the holding has become the largest and most diversified media firm in our country. You managed to bring together many talented like-minded people with a real vision of directions for the future development of the information world. It is important that at the same time you are able to create both content and technology platforms that attract the attention of different age categories.
Be healthy, happy, invincibly creative and successful in everything you do!”
Svetlana Balanova, General Director of National Media Group JSC:
“From the bottom of my heart, I congratulate you on the anniversary of Gazprom-Media Holding! You have been setting high standards in the domestic media industry for 25 years. Thanks to its professionalism, multiplied by talent and the use of advanced technologies, Gazprom-Media Holding occupies its rightful place among Russian and international media industry leaders. We sincerely applaud your successful projects and wish you huge creative victories and implementation of the most ambitious plans!”
Anton Zlatopolskiy, General Director of Russia 1 TV channel:
“Dear colleagues, Dear Mr. Zharov,
Please accept my sincere congratulations on the special occasion of the 25th anniversary in your proud history! Over these years, you have become a real powerful media empire, and we are proud to be not only competitors, but partners, and serve together with you our common cause, uninterruptedly providing all Russians with information, journalistic, educational and entertainment content of the highest quality. Selfless, creative and innovative attitude, healthy competition for the attention of millions of viewers, dedication to work, and high ideological energy are inherent in a large professional team of all Gazprom-Media resources: on TV and in the film distribution segment, on the radio, in the print media and on the Internet. New heights, new plans and new successes are ahead of you, and we believe that you with your strong creative energy will be able to realize the most daring ideas!”
Konstantin Ernst, General Director of Channel One JSC:
“Dear colleagues, I would like to join in congratulating Gazprom-Media Holding on its birthday. The 25th anniversary is an important milestone. The past years are characterized by unstoppable growth and expansion of professional competencies in all areas, as well as by projects that wrote many brilliant pages in the history of the Russian media industry. Happy birthday! Good luck!”
Konstantin Chuychenko, Minister of Justice of the Russian Federation:
“Dear Mr. Zharov, I congratulate you and the entire team on the 25th anniversary! Over these years, the holding company has become one of the acknowledged leaders in the domestic media industry and has implemented many vibrant and challenging projects. Entertainment, educational and sports programs, radio shows and films, which have won the love of millions of adults and children, are transforming the modern information space, making it even more interesting and rich. I wish you and the entire team of Gazprom-Media good health, success and all the best.”
Leonid Levin, Deputy Head of the Office of the Government of the Russian Federation:
“Dear Mr. Zharov, I congratulate you and the entire team on the 25th anniversary of Gazprom-Media Holding. During this time, your company has launched many new TV channels, films, series and formats, has brought the boldest ideas to life, and has become one of the recognized leaders in the industry. The modern projects of the holding company meet the challenges of the time and win the attention and love of the audience. I wish the team of Gazprom-Media success, inspiration, good health and prosperity.”
Sofiya Malyavina, General Director of National Priorities Autonomous Non-Profit Organization:
“I congratulate the team of Gazprom-Media Holding JSC on the 25th anniversary. For a quarter of a century, you have been creating the most up-to-date, highly professional and diverse media content that is popular with the audience in all media consumption environments. Your activities and work have largely defined the development of the Russian media industry, and the projects created have gone down in its history. Today, you continue developing the Russian media market by launching projects that are relevant and popular with different generations of viewers, listeners and readers. Using your own media and creative capabilities, understanding the preferences of the audience, you convey important social values and ideas for our society. I wish the entire team of the holding company energy, creative inspiration and new breakthrough projects.”