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31 March 2020

​NTV content reaches South American market

The leading Brazilian content distributor, Encripta, has acquired the rights to a lineup of NTV’s action series. Five of the channel’s projects have been included in the package as part of the first deal between the two companies: the historical drama Dekabristka (The Decembrist), the action-packed crime drama Operetta Kapitana Krutova (Captain Krutov’s Operetta), the adventure series Pyat Minut Tishiny (Five Minutes of Silence) and the channel’s top hits Nevsky and Mukhtar. Novy Sled (Mukhtar. New Trace). The Brazilian distributor acquired the rights to show these projects in the digital environment on a paid or unpaid basis across South America.

The plot of the action-packed drama Dekabristka is based on real events about a woman who worked in the court system and was able to save around 50 innocent prisoners. The woman in the series is a leading heroine, in every sense of the word. Everything depends on her and she is the one who moves the action and plot forward.

The series Operetta Kapitana Krutova brings together an actor who is sent to a police station to better study his role, and a female police worker who dreams about becoming an actress.

In the series Mukhtar. Novy Sled, police officers and their German shepherd named Mukhtar investigate the most dangerous crimes. The series has consistently ranked among the top shows in Russia and Eastern Europe over the past 16 years.

The adventure series Pyat Minut Tishiny centers on a team of people who work for Russia’s Ministry of Emergency Situations.

The crime series Nevsky has become an action genre hit in NTV’s content library. It was the best primetime series on multiple occasions, gathering record viewership shares in Russia and other countries. For example, its viewership share in Kazakhstan reached 40%.
