On March 22, the fourth episode of the show Maska (The Masked Singer) aired on NTV channel with record viewership numbers. The episode became the top television event in Russia with a share of 17.9% and a 6.7% rating among viewers aged 18+.
The show Maska is a singing competition for pop and show business stars, as well as media personalities. The identities of the participants are kept secret. They perform in front of the jury in unrecognisable disguises, and it is up to the jury members not only to evaluate their vocal skills but also to guess the person behind the mask. The show’s jury panel includes well-known singers Filipp Kirkorov and Valeriya, TV host Regina Todorenko, and comedians Garik Martirosyan and Timur Rodriguez.
Maska has firmly established its leadership among a base audience aged 4+. The show has a 5.8% rating and a 17.3% share. The project went on air on March 1 with a rating of 6.2% and a share of 17.4% among viewers aged 18+. The show’s premiere became the most popular entertainment event among Russian television viewers, and the show has since appeared among the top TV programs in Russia for four weeks in a row.