The Russian film series Epidemiya (The Epidemic), which was filmed by TNT-PREMIER Studios, made it into the main competition of the international festival CannesSeries in France for the first time. The series will be shown on April 9 in the famous Louis Lumiere Hall in the Palace of Festivals and Congresses - the same site that is used to show the films of the main Cannes Film Festival every year. The lead actors Victoria Isakova and Mariana Spivak will present the series in Cannes.
The CannesSeries festival will be held from April 5 to 10 as part of MIPTV, the largest international market for television and digital content. The guests of the festival and television market will have an opportunity to get acquainted with the most innovative and groundbreaking projects from around the world.
Nine other series - from Europe, Israel, Japan and USA - made it into the main competition along with Epidemiya. Among them, the new fantasy series, The Feed, that Amazon bought from the screenwriter of the series The Walking Dead and White Collar Channing Powell, and Norway’s detective parody Magnus from the creators of the series Lilyhammer.
Epidemiya was created by TNT-PREMIER Studios. Pavel Kostomarov, the director of the TV series Zakon Kamennyh Djunglei (Rules of the Stone Jungle) and Chernobyl. Zona Otchuzhdeniya (Chernobyl. Estranged Zone) shot the project, and it was produced by the director of TV-3 channel Valery Fyodorovich, chief producer of TV-3 Evgeny Nikishov (Obychnaya Zhenshina/An Ordinary Woman, Gogol, Chernobyl. Zona Otchuzhdeniya, Politseysky s Rublyovki/Policeman from Rublyovka, Zakon Kamennyh Djunglei) and Ivan Golomovzyuk, director of TNT-PREMIER Studios. Rafael Minasbekyan, CEO of GPM KIT (part of Gazprom-Media Holding), and Dzhanik Fayziev, CEO of KIT Film Studio, also participated in making the series.
The film series Epidemiya is based on Yana Vagner's global bestseller Vongorezo, which has been translated into 11 languages. The script was written by Roman Kantor, who is best known for his work on the films Khoroshii Malchik (The Good Boy) and the TV series Mertvoe Ozero (The Dead Lake).