Beijing, China - Gazprom media, the leading diversified media company in Russia and Eastern Europe, and the China Central Television (CCTV), the China’s largest broadcasting company, have signed the agreement on strategic cooperation in the area of film and television production and promotion on the territories of both states. The agreement was signed during the Second Russian-Chinese Media Forum held in Beijing.

The agreement also provides for cooperation in content distribution on the territory of Russia and China.

“As the largest TV broadcaster of the PRC, CCTV an important strategic partner for us. Our Chinese counterparts indicated interest in purchasing formats, such as TV shows from Central Partnership media library - Liquidation and Sherlock Holmes. We can also provide the service of production and post-production at the highest level, because our technical base complies with the modern requirements of the TV production", said Dmitry Chernyshenko, General Director of Gazprom media.

Three CCTV channels broadcasting in English, Chinese and Russian are already accessible in Russia via Gazprom-media’s owned satellite operator, NTV-Plus.

"Currently, we are considering the possibility of new distribution projects in Russia with our Chinese partners. We also see great potential in distributing Russian contents in China on the CCTV platforms”, added Dmitry Chernyshenko.

In October 2015 the film company Central Partnership, a part of Gazprom-Media signed the cooperation agreement with the largest film distribution organization China Film Group in the area of the two-way distribution of films. At the beginning of 2016 the holding Gazprom-Media signed the cooperation agreement with the Shanghai Media Group in the development and distribution of film, television and digital content. Also it signed the agreement on cooperation with People's Daily Online company, which manages the largest information portal in China People's Daily newspaper. Under the agreements the sides intend to exchange relevant information, documentary and archive content as well as to provide mutual support in organizing and functioning of the news studios in the two countries.


Signing the agreement on strategic cooperation between Gazprom-media and China Central Television (CCTV)

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For further information,

Gazprom media Press Office

Tel.: +7 (495) 789 65 00 (ext. 2587)

Gazprom media

Gazprom media is the leading diversified media holding in Russia and Eastern Europe, which combines the assets in all segments of the media market: television, radio, press, film production and distribution, online platforms and advertising sales. Audience reaches 90 million people in different media environments.

The company operates six free-to-air TV channels (NTV, TNT, TV-3, Match TV, Friday!, 2x2), the operator of satellite television NTV-PLUS, manufactures and distributes 28 thematic channels (NTV-Plus, Red Media), 10 radio stations ( Autoradio, Energy, Humor FM, Radio Romantika, Comedy Radio, Like FM, Relax FM, Children's Radio, Echo of Moscow,

Gazprom-media also has assets in the segment of Internet (Rutube and online cinemas,, online resource Vokrug TV), two publishing house Seven Days and CJSC Media Press, film production and distribution (Central Partnership, NTV-Kino, Comedy Club Production).

Sale of advertising opportunities Resources of holding is carried out by its own sales houses Gazprom-Media, Alcasar-Media and Gazprom-Media Digital.


China Central Television (CCTV) is the main television broadcaster in the People Republic of China. The CCTV television network consists of 45 channels. CCTV channels show different genres content: news, documentaries, sitcoms, comedies, entertainment shows, and dramas. CCTV implements international broadcasting of 10 TV channels: CCTV-Entertainment, CCTV-Chinese Opera International, CCTV-13, CCTV-4 in Chinese, CCTV News and CCTV-9 in English, CCTV-F in French, CCTV-E in Spanish, CCTV in Arabic. In 2009, CCTV started broadcasting the Russian-language channel CCTV-Russian.

CCTV also controls China Network Television (CNTV), which is engaged in Internet broadcasting of CCTV content. At present CNTV services are available to Internet users in 190 countries. CNTV broadcasts in English, Spanish, French, Arabic, Russian, Korean, Mongolian, Tibetan, Uighur and Kazakh languages. Internet Television in China conducts the broadcasting through the Internet, ip-television and mobile TV.