The awards ceremony for
the winners of the V Mediabrand competition in the field of television
promotion and design was held on June 14. The television channels TNT, TV-3,
Match TV, Friday!, NTV and 2x2 won 43 awards, out of which 13 are for first
TNT received six golden awards and become the leader in the number of first places among television channels. The channel TV-3 received a grand prix for the off-the-air promotional campaign to the series Anna-Detektiv (Anna-Detective) and four gold awards. The channels NTV, Match TV and Friday! also received gold awards.
Another 30 silver and bronze medals in various nominations were given to the broadcasting channels of the holding - NTV, Match TV, TNT, TV-3, Friday! and 2x2. Altogether 91 works of Gazprom-Media’s television channels were included in the short-list of the contest.
The Mediabrand contest is held annually within the framework of the conference of the same name, and is intended to identify the best works in the field of television promotion and design. The conference and contests were launched in 2011 with the support of the National Association of Television and Radio Broadcasters and the Advertising Federation of the Regions. Around 700 works in 34 nominations were accepted to the contest this current year. They were separated into four categories: “Broadcast promo,” “Broadcast design,” “Off-air promo” and “General nominations and special prizes.”