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16 June 2022

Aleksandr Moiseev spoke at SPIEF about cyber crisis lessons

Aleksandr Moiseev, Deputy General Director of Gazprom-Media Holding, General Director of RUTUBE, spoke at the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum in the panel discussion “Militarization of Cyberspace: How to Get Through the Perfect Storm”, organized with the support of PJSC Rostelecom.
Participants of the discussion devoted the dialogue to digital sovereignty, which has become a key factor in development of state and national business in the cyber warfare context. According to the speakers, real sovereignty of the country is determined by national control over key IT technologies: from the ability to pay for purchases to stability of critical information infrastructure. They discussed how to prepare for cybercrises systematically based on experience of 2022, when foreign manufacturers of software equipment and cyber defense tools began to leave Russia en masse.

A hacker attack on our service in May showed that no company, no agency can stand aside and feel safe. Hacking is a matter of time and cost. You can argue as much as you like, but life brings us to the only right decision – need to consolidate accumulated knowledge and experience, to create a single database of incidents.
Aleksandr Moiseev Deputy General Director of Gazprom-Media Holding, General Director of RUTUBE

In addition, Aleksandr Moiseev spoke about the place of RUTUBE in the digital landscape of Russia: it is on this national platform that conditions have been created for unhindered work of the media and digital content creators. He shared conclusions that the company made after the strongest cyber attack that occurred on May 9, 2022.

Together, the state and business, by combining the best practices, experience and operational legal regulation, are able to counter cyber threats successfully. It is important to understand that it can affect everyone. We learned the most valuable lessons from the attack on RUTUBE and are ready to share our knowledge with colleagues.
Aleksandr Moiseev Deputy General Director of Gazprom-Media Holding, General Director of RUTUBE