Russia’s full-length animated film Fiksiki. Bolshoy Sekret (The Fixies. Top Secret) will be shown in cinemas in Latin America, South Korea, the Middle East and other countries.
The film company Central Partnership (part of Gazprom-Media), which represents the film Fiksiki. Bolshoy Sekret on the global market, has signed an agreement with the South American company BF Distribution about the cinematic release of the film in spring 2018 in Mexico (jointly with the local partner Corazon Films), as well as Chile, Peru, Bolivia and Ecuador. In Mexico, the film will be released on April 13, 2018.
According to BF Distribution’s commercial director, Juliana da Cunha, the company is pleased to present the new Russian animation film on the market of Latin America: “This time the audiences in our countries will be brought together by animation. As an independent distributor, we overcome many difficulties in releasing independent films, but we always get great pleasure from working with Central Partnership, which invariably offers us and the whole world the best films from the Russian market.”
Central Partnership previously concluded a number of other deals on the sale of the film Fiksiki. Bolshoy Sekret. The company Green Narae will be releasing the film in South Korea, Dexin Film will act as a distributor in the countries of the former Yugoslavia, Selim Ramia & Co on the territory of the Middle East, while BTV will do so in Bulgaria. Garsu Pasaulio Irasai has already released Fiksiki. Bolshoy Sekret in the Baltic states this winter, where it is still playing in cinemas (in Lithuania since December 26, 2017), and Majestic Film Cinema has released it in Turkey.
“The key to the success of this project abroad is the high-quality of its animation and a wonderful, universal story. We are always happy to work with high-quality content and achieve such impressive results in terms of international sales together with our partners,” said Pavel Stepanov, general manager of Central Partnership.