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28 December 2023

Gazprom-Media Holding sums up results of the PRO program in 2023

Gazprom-Media Holding sums up results of the PRO corporate social responsibility program in 2023.

Gazprom-Media Holding is continuing its path of kindness. Creating socially significant content, assisting charities, helping existing social projects using media resources and corporate volunteer assistance, are all covered by our PRO corporate social responsibility program. Our systematic approach allows us to not just develop and popularize social projects, draw attention to social problems and propose solutions to these problems, but to also voluntarily take measures to improve the quality of life of our employees, the local community, and society as a whole. All this is achieved through the well-coordinated work of the holding company’s assets, the success of which provides the basis for the formation of a new socially-oriented media segment (entertainment TV, radio stations, video services, etc.). We are creating a space of kindness, warmth and care within our company.
Antonina Priezzheva HR Director of Gazprom-Media Holding

The PRO program is made up of four areas: PRO_Sodeistvie (PRO_Assistance), PRO_Uchastie (PRO_Participation), PRO_Sozdanie (PRO_Creation), PRO_Podderzhka (PRO_Support), focused on creating socially significant content, providing information support to social projects, assisting charities, and the participation of well-known major foundations in supporting sponsored foundations.

Currently, the PRO_Assistance program includes four foundations: National Rehabilitation Development Foundation, Krug (Circle) Creative Association inclusive workshop, Tverskaya 15 inclusive cultural center and Obraz Zhizni (Way of Life) charitable foundation.

To support these charities, in February 2023, Gazprom-Media Holding signed a memorandum of co-operation with the Naked Heart Foundation for Children and Youth, which helps people with autism and other special needs. The Naked Heart Foundation shares its expertise with Gazprom-Media Holding’s sponsored charitable organizations. In turn, the Holding provides information support to the Foundation by disseminating information about autism, the problems of people with developmental disabilities, and the Foundation’s initiatives.

The holding’s TV channels Match TV, TV-3 and TNT4 made videos about the activities of each of the sponsored foundations. The total broadcast audience reached over 56 million people. As a result, the level of publicity of the foundations’ activities and their recognizability increased among a wide audience.

Thanks to the PRO_Assistance program, the donation amount through the website increased by 129%, the total number of donations increased by 155%, the number of sponsors increased by 42%, the number of volunteers increased by 700%, the number of charitable volunteer initiatives increased by 11%, and the number of beneficiaries increased by 195%, and the number of coverage opportunities increased by 112%. There was also a 159% increase in the number of social media followers and a 35% increase in the number of publications.

In 2023, as part of the PRO_Assistance corporate social responsibility program designed to promote little-known foundations in the media space, Gazprom-Media Holding became the first co-organizer of the 7th “Special Talents—2023” All-Russian Inclusive Multi-genre Art Competition sponsored by the National Rehabilitation Development Foundation and the awards ceremony for the winners of the competition.

Extensive work was carried out to popularize the topic of inclusion and to introduce it into the social agenda. This gave the competition wider publicity in the media space, as well as increased the Foundation’s visibility and drew attention to the results of its activities.

The increased number of competition participants in 2023 allows us to conclude that the scope of inclusive creativity among professionals and amateurs is expanding, and that the abilities of talented gifted children and adults with disabilities are being integrated into society.

More than 100 publications about the competition in the federal and regional media, on social networks by bloggers and famous people confirms the attraction of public and media attention to the problems of creative people with disabilities, and also allows us to hope for increased attention of potential sponsors and benefactors.

The PRO_Assistance corporate social responsibility program was the Best Social Project of Russia 2023 in the Charity category.

The “Special Talents” project sponsored by the National Rehabilitation Development Fund was a finalist of the #MYVMESTE International Award 2023, and also took third place in the competition of the “Leaders of Corporate Philanthropy 2023” Donors Forum in the nomination “Best Program (Project) in the field of inclusion development”.

More than 10 social projects were created under the PRO_Creation subprogram. These include Man of the Cause (Avtoradio), the Far East Animation Project Accelerator (YARKO), Content Marathon and the Dearer Than Money competition from TV-3 and YAPPY, a New Year’s trip with animated heroes Drakoshiya and Team MATCH from YARKO, Yappy Academy, “Useful Eco Habits” on Romantika radio, an educational project from MediaPress, and others.

More than 20 new seasons of social projects were aired: “New Patsanka” on Friday!, “Let’s go to the cities” on Avtoradio, “Yapper of the month” award, “You are super!”, “You are super! 60+”, “Wait for Me”, “DNA”, “Beyond”, “My Universities. The Future is Now”, “Land of Talents”, “Ded Moroz’s Journey” on NTV, “Children’s Hearts” charity telethon on TV-3, “Childhood Day” radiothon on Romantika radio, etc.

As part of the PRO_Participation subprogram in 2023, the holding produced over 50 TV hours of social content and provided information support for over 100 social projects and events. They include medical volunteer campaigns “Protecting Hearts”, “Cancer Fears the Brave”, “World AIDS Day”, “Be Healthy”, “Generation Healthy Lifestyle”, the “VMEDE” competition, the Ambulance Workers’ Day, the “Gift to the Angel” campaign of Dobroshrift charitable foundation, Naked Heart Foundation’s “World Autism Awareness Month” campaign, “Children Instead of Flowers” campaign of the Vera hospice care fund, “Yuna-fest”, “Paws on the Catwalk”, “Next Stop—Home” and other charitable events for animal adoption.

Social projects created by the Holding Company’s assets received more than 50 awards in 2023.

For many years, the NTV news service has paid special attention to the topic of charity. The Segodnya news program regularly airs stories about people in need of help, with a caption containing a short number or a charity account. In 2023, from January 1 to November 11, 66 charity stories were aired and more than RUB 105 million was raised.

One of the program’s focus areas is the work of the Vselennaya Dobra (Universe of Goodness) corporate volunteer center. Volunteers help supported foundations and participate in mutual aid events: “Memorial Garden” to plant trees, “Clean Games” to clean parks and water bodies of litter, and help animals in the “Tails and Paws” project.

In 2023, 26 events were held and the number of corporate volunteers increased by 15%. In 2023, the Volunteer Center Regulations were developed. 628 volunteer hours were logged in the electronic volunteer book on the website. An additional volunteer incentive system was implemented on the Drugoe Delo (Other Business) platform. Active volunteers were awarded with Commendations from the CEO and the Volunteer of the Year title was awarded to volunteers based on the number of volunteer hours and the level of active involvement in volunteer projects and events.

In 2023, Gazprom-Media Holding and the Mosvolonter Resource Center for the Development and Support of the Volunteer Movement signed an agreement on cooperation and collaboration. The cooperation will allow Gazprom-Media Holding’s corporate volunteers to expand the range of events and share expertise with volunteers from other companies.

At the end of December 2023, Gazprom-Media Holding’s volunteers took part in a workshop named New Year’s Miracle: Houses for Tailed Friends, which was held with the support of the Mosvolonter Resource Center.

Gazprom-Media Holding’s Universe of Goodness corporate volunteer center took second place in the “Competence and Pro Bono Volunteering” category as part of the 9th “Champions of Good Deeds” All-Russian Competition of Corporate Volunteering Projects.
