The educational program #GPMTrendy (Gazprom-Media Trends), timed to the 20th anniversary of Gazprom-Media, is launching in Moscow. The first event of the program will be held on March 30.
#GPMTrendy is a platform for discussing ideas and trends that are determining the development of the media and advertising industries. There will be various events of different formats and genres held during the year: discussions, master classes and creative workshops with leading experts in the media field. Participants will include clients and partners of the holding, representatives of advertising agencies and mass media, as well as the holding’s employees.
The speakers at these events will be the head managers of the holding’s businesses - creative producers, TV channel and radio station directors. The events will be held on a quarterly basis.
“We will hold a series of educational events for the media industry in the 2018 anniversary year. In 20 years we have accumulated a lot of experience in the area of creating content and its promotion, which we are ready to share with colleagues and partners. The topics of our meetings will be different - creative ideas, new technologies in the media, mechanisms for engaging the audience. Professionals who are shaping the current media space will talk about global media trends, case studies, and memorable projects of the holding,” said Dmitry Chernyshenko, CEO of Gazprom-Media.
The first event within the educational program #GPMTrendy will be dedicated to the key trends and prospects in the development of the film and TV series industry. General manager of TV-3 Valery Fyodorovich and the channel’s general producer Evgeny Nikishov will talk about how the production of media content is evolving, how the economics of TV series are changing, and which new technologies have appeared in film and television production.
As a case study, the speakers will present a unique project of TV-3 - the mystical series Gogol, the first TV series that was released into cinemas and which became the highest grossing release of summer 2017 among domestic films. The event participants will learn how the TV channel’s team was able to modernize Gogol’s personality and turn the project into a successful media brand.
At the end of the event, guests will see the pre-premiere screening of the second part of the series, Gogol. Viy.