NTV will air the first episode of the new action-packed detective series Utselevshie (The Survivors) on July 10. The series was made by KIT Film Studio (part of Gazprom-Media Holding through GPM KIT).

The plot centers on an honest policeman named Kirill Reshetov. While investigating the death of his former lover, he stumbles on the trail of a gang, which they were both investigating 20 years ago. Dmitry Lavrov played the lead role in the series with Maria Akhmetzyanova, Oleg Taktarov and Vladimir Sterzhakov acting in supporting roles.

Although the 1990s were a long time ago, the echo of that difficult time can still be heard and it does not let Kirill Reshetov (Dmitry Lavrov) rest. He is a solitary, honest policeman who likes to use physical strength when other arguments fail. His colleagues tell him about the death of his former lover Natasha who also worked in the police. Shocked by this news, Reshetov goes to Yaroslavl where she lived and learns that he is the father of Natasha’s 15-year-old daughter Sveta (Ekaterina Eteri). As he finds out the circumstances of Natasha’s death, he begins to doubt the official version that she was murdered in the course of a robbery.