PREMIER Studios (part of Gazprom-Media Holding) has launched an accelerator to assist with the creation and production of documentary films and series. Its goal is to collect real stories about events and people and use this information to launch new documentary films and series into production.

The “documentary accelerator” will consist of three stages: pitching of ideas, script development and filming the pilot. The whole process will be overseen by experienced curators - the cameraman, documentary and game film director Pavel Kostomarov (TV series Epidemiya/The Epidemic, Chernobyl. Zona Otchuzhdeniya/Chernobyl. Exclusion Zone, and the documentary films Srok. Nachalo Bolshoi Istorii/Deadline. The Beginning of a Big Story, Mat’/Mother, Poselenie/The Settlement) and Aleksandr Urzhanov, screenwriter and general manager of Amur Waves company (Russkie Evrei/Russian Jews, S Zakritimi Oknami/With Closed Windows).

The accelerator’s best projects will be shown on TV-3 channel, which has already received a positive audience response to the documentary cycle Eto Realnaya Istoriya (This is Real History), by Aleksandr Urzhanov of Amur Waves studio, and the collection of documentary films by Aleksandr Rastorguev.