The Russian postapocalyptic thriller Avanpost (The Blackout), made by 1-2-3 Production (part of Gazprom Media), will be available on Amazon Prime in Germany as of November 14 (the German branch of one of the largest VOD platforms in the world). 

First will show the series version of the project and then the full-length version, which premiered a year ago in Berlin’s oldest movie theater, Kino International.

The Blackout series goes beyond the film, looking into the backstories of the characters, showing their surroundings and taking the viewer deeper into a dark and disturbing fantasy world that took the 1-2-3 Productions’ VFX team more than a year and a half to create. 

Set in a near future after an unknown accident disrupted power across almost the entire globe, with life remaining only in the European part of Russia and a few neighboring countries, the survivors, soldiers and journalists, must uncover the truth of what happened and fight a large-scale battle for humankind. 

Directed by Egor Baranov, it stars Pyotr Fyodorov, Aleksey Chadov, Svetlana Ivanova, and Konstantin Lavronenko.

The Blackout has already become a hit on the VOD market in France, where it reached first place in Google Play views, among other achievements. In China, it premiered on iQIYI, the country’s largest VOD platform. 

Distribution rights to The Blackout were sold to more than 100 countries, including the United States, Japan, South Korea, Spain and Brazil. Central Partnership (part of Gazprom Media) manages the project’s international distribution rights.