The 20th anniversary of the professional media industry awards, Media Manager of Russia 2020, was held in Moscow on August 27, and three representatives from Gazprom Media received awards and the Grand Prix.
General Manager of Gazprom Media KIT (part of Gazprom Media) Rafael Minasbekyan won the Grand Prix, with the professional jury recognizing him “For outstanding achievements in the industry and creating and effectively managing the Gazprom Media KIT Group of Companies, which have become leaders on the market.” Minasbekyan’s successes include his contributions to the development of the national film industry and the impressive financial results of the companies he oversees. This is Minasbekyan’s second Media Manager of Russia award. He received his first in 2011 “For contributions to the development of the industry, innovative approaches and turning unique marketing concepts into reality.”
Gazprom Media KIT includes KIT Film Studio, Central Partnership, Red Media, and White Nights, producing premium series and feature films; distributing high-grossing, auteur and festival films; and creating and distributing specialty channels. The companies that are part of Gazprom Media KIT hold leading positions on their markets and, in 2019, it strengthened its position in the global distribution of Russian film, becoming the leader at the box office and the leading producer of premium TV content. It also continued topping in the specialty TV segment: the company’s distribution portfolio boasts 38 specialty channels, 17 of which are original productions.
General Manager of Red Media Roman Stolyarsky received an award in the Electronic Media nomination for the Television category. The professional jury recognized him for his achievements in the specialty TV segment. In particular, they noted Red Media’s success in management, advertising, offering content and financial performance.
Deputy General Manager of Gazprom Media Sales House Alina Efimova also received an award “For the successful implementation of an innovative ecosystem to promote the sales house’s products.”
Under Efimova’s guidance, the Gazprom Media sales house was the first to offer market conversion ads on television (HBB TV, QR codes), thus creating a new niche on the market and taking it over.
The sales house was actively expanding its range of advertising products in 2019, and has offered the market an innovative product ecosystem in the one-stop-shop format. This offering includes the placement of native advertising, influence marketing, and programmatic solutions. The advertising cases carried out by Gazprom Media’s team have been recognized for excellence by international and Russian juries at the Effie Awards, NPBK, Adindex Awards, MIXX Russia, and the Runet Prize.
Deputy CEO of Gazprom Media Yulia Golubeva presented the Media Manager award in the Print Media category.