The comedy series, V Aktivnom Poiske (In Search Mode), will launch on PREMIER video service on April 8. This is a new project by popular actor Dmitriy Nagiev where he not only plays the lead role, but has also invented the other characters. PREMIER subscribers will get exclusive access to the series. The comedy can be watched at this link.

V Aktivnom Poiske is a story about Andrey, a co-founder of a large advertising agency. His life is brimming with successes: an apartment in the city centre, fashionable friends, and a great future in the advertising industry. But one day a nine-year-old boy appears on his doorstep and claims that he is his son. Now Andrey has a difficult path ahead of him. He has to take up the father role without giving up his career and, most importantly, find the mother of his child among dozens of former lovers. 

The melodramatic comedy has 10 episodes, which are presented as “short” content of 15-20 minutes each. Sarik Andreasyan directed the series.