The new film series Obychnaya Zhenshina (An Ordinary Woman) will premiere on TV-3 channel on October 29. The series was shot by director Boris Khlebnikov, with Anna Mikhalkova playing the lead role.
The series was created by TV-3’s own 1-2-3 Production studio and Studio Lukfilm. The plot mixes the drama genre with some humour and detective elements. Obychnaya Zhenshina is the story of 39-year-old Muscovite Marina, who runs a brothel in her spare time from work and family. Behind this extravagant plot, there is a dramatic story of a strong woman who has taken responsibility for the well-being of her family. Famous actors Tatyana Dogileva, Alexandra Bortich, Aglaia Tarasova, Evgeny Grishkovets and other Russian artists are involved in the series.
“This story could not air anywhere except TV-3,” said Valery Fyodorovich, TV-3 director and producer of the film series. “I recognize my relatives and friends in the characters of this film series. Each of them has their own story, it is interesting to watch everybody, so this series is for everyone. It speaks to the viewer in a language that television is not used to.”
“The producer Alexander Plotnikov came to us with the script of Obychnaya Zhenshina and said that all channels turned him down because this was ‘not the right format’,” said Evgeny Nikishov, TV-3 general producer and producer of the film series. “At the same time, the problems that the series’ characters face are very familiar to people around the world. This is a story about family and the relationships within it, a story that touches upon current social conflicts. This series is about the here and now.”