NTV channel’s action-packed drama series Nemtsy (The Germans), based on Alexander Terekhov’s bestseller of the same name, was included in the special program at the 43rd Moscow International Film Festival (MIFF), “First episode. Take two”. This program features TV series from Russia, Canada, France, Norway, Denmark, Brazil, Sweden, Israel and Spain. The most impactful projects in the series genre were selected to be shown on the big screen. The viewers will see the first episodes of these series, with the first episode of Nemtsy to be shown on the big screen on April 25.
Vsemirnye Russkie Studii produced the series.
Nemtsy is a screen adaptation of a novel by contemporary writer Alexander Terekhov. The novel has received and won numerous nominations from prestigious literary awards, including Natsionalniy Bestseller (National Bestseller), Bolshaya Kniga (Big Book), and Russkii Buker (Russian Booker). Its plot centers on an honest journalist and writer. As he loses his job, falls into debt with his mortgage payments and struggles through issues with his daughter, he decides to switch over to the side that he fought with for his entire life in exchange for a good paycheck. He gets a job as a press attache in a city administration. This brings about a series of events that he tries to deal with in an honest way, but the boundaries between good and bad, truth and lies begin to blur very quickly.