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19 July 2021

PREMIER series now available to Tricolor clients

The PREMIER video service, which is part of Gazprom-Media Holding, and the Tricolor multi-platform operator have announced their cooperation agreement.

Tricolor clients got access to the PREMIER content library of popular series made by Gazprom-Media Holding’s studios, including Pereval Dyatlova (Dead Mountain: The Dyatlov Pass Incident), Domashny Arest (Home Arrest), Zvonite DiCaprio! (Call DiCaprio!), Epidemiya (To the Lake), Mir! Druzhba! Zhvachka! (Peace! Friendship! Chewing Gum!), Olga, Territoriya (The Territory), Realnye Patsany (Real Guys), Politseysky s Rublyovki (The Policeman from Rublyovka), Igra na Vyzhivanie (Survival Game) and others. The agreement also covers entertainment content from the TNT, Friday!, Match TV, TV-3 and Subbota! channels.

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