The channel was the only winner from Russia.

The TV channel TNT4, which is part of Gazprom-Media Holding, received three awards from the prestigious international contest in the field of television marketing, promotion and design, The PromaxBDA UK Awards 2017. The awards ceremony took place on November 3 in London. This is already the second year when TNT4 is taking part in the contest. In 2016, its first year of broadcasting, the TV channel won the gold award at the ceremony.

This year TNT4 became the only television channel in Russia, which won at the contest. The channel was represented by three promo videos in the nomination “Best promo in a foreign language,” in which all non-English speaking countries compete. In the end, all three of the main prizes were awarded to TNT4: gold for the promo video to the film The Matrix: Reloaded, silver for No Country for Old Men, and bronze for Mortal Kombat. As of today, the promo for Mortal Kombat, which features Eurovision contestants Buranovskiye Babushki, has more than 2 million views online, while the promo to the film The Matrix: Reloaded made it into the final shortlist of the European Promax contest in Amsterdam.